SPECIAL SESSION V: Applications of Data Analytics for Process Improvement

In recent years, data analytics is transforming processes in various industries. Data analytics offers a huge potential for enhancing operational performance, and has become an essential tool for helping organizations improve their processes. Deep knowledge of process operations in conjunction with data analytics leads to new insights from the operational data already collected. Such a system will reduce the need for complex, engineering-intensive modeling and can create new value in process improvement.

This special session welcomes research papers using data analytics to address the issues and challenges related to process improvement in various contexts, including manufacturing, service, and business processes. Topics of interest include (but are not restricted to):

• Quality and productivity improvement
• Improving business efficiency & operations
• Multistage process optimization
• Best of best path analysis in a multistage process
• Scheduling optimization
• Multiresponse optimization
• Mean-variance optimization
• Quality control
• Anomaly detection
• Automatic inspection


Prof. Dong-Hee Lee, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea


Delegates are encouraged to submit their full papers/abstract to the special sessions. Please submit your electronically article in PDF format before the submission deadline.

Submit Now: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iciea2025
Please select the special session 5 when making submission.

Note: if there are any questions, please send mail to iciea_conf@163.com.