SPECIAL SESSION IV: Management and Finance

This special session, by addressing problems surrounding finance, marketing and operations management, depicts methodologies, state-of-the-art approaches, and insights to improve the performance of a firm or even the entire supply chain. The information of this session provides a platform for academics and managers to exchange their current thoughts in an emerging area of finance, marketing or operations areas, or synchronizing the marketing, finance and operations departments of their supply chain partners to improve competitiveness and profit.
We welcome submissions to this special session. Topics covered include (but are not limited to):

  • Corporate Finance and operations management
  • Marketing research and operations management
  • Management and integration of products and manufacturing services
  • Multi-level performance measurement in manufacturing
  • Knowledge, change and risk management in manufacturing
  • Value creation by sustainable manufacturing
  • Manufacturing on demand
  • Lean and agile manufacturing; challenges in lean management
  • Green and lean supply chains, logistics and procurement
  • Operations planning and control; scheduling
  • Operations optimization
  • Quality management systems
  • Total quality management
  • Human resources and technological factors
  • Social aspects, health and safety in manufacturing
  • Other related topics


Asso. Prof. Yun Huang, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau


Delegates are encouraged to submit their full papers/abstract to the special sessions. Please submit your electronically article in PDF format before the submission deadline.

Submit Now: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iciea2025
Please select the special session 4 when making submission.

Note: if there are any questions, please send mail to iciea_conf@163.com.