SPECIAL SESSION III: Modern warehouse and logistics system

The boost of E-commerce and online shopping has greatly prompted the evolutions and upgrade of warehouse and logistic system. The prevalent AI-based and IOT-based technologies have caught more attention from the warehouse and logistics practitioners and academia to achieve management benefit. The active research and application of emerging technologies, such as robotic warehouse, compact storage system, VR/AR-based warehousing operations, dynamic order fulfillment, data-driven logistic optimization, sustainable warehouse and logistic system, stochastic modeling on warehouse, have been improving the service level of modern warehouse and logistic system. Topics of interest include (but are not restricted to):

  • Robotic warehouse
  • Compact storage system
  • AI technologies in warehouse and logistics system
  • IOT-based warehousing operations
  • Dynamic order picking and fulfillment
  • Data-driven logistic optimization
  • Accurate performance evaluation on automated warehouse
  • Sustainable logistic facility design and operation
  • Stochastic modeling and analysis on warehouse and logistics system
  • Simulation on warehouse and logistic system


Prof. Peng Yang, Tsinghua University, China


Delegates are encouraged to submit their full papers/abstract to the special sessions. Please submit your electronically article in PDF format before the submission deadline.

Submit Now: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iciea2025
Please select the special session 3 when making submission.

Note: if there are any questions, please send mail to iciea_conf@163.com.