Typical routing problems, such as the vehicle routing problem or the traveling salesperson problem, are combinatorial optimization problems that try to minimize the total travel time or distance. This session considers another type of routing problems that focus on maximizing the collected profits from visited customers. Two decisions have to be integrated: which customers to visit and how to sequence these in one or several routes. Some variants of this problem are vehicle routing problems with profits or variants of the orienteering problem. Typical applications of these kind of routing problems are tourist trip design, military surveillance, logistic problems, mobile crowd sourcing problems and others.

The aim of this special session is for researchers to present recent developments in solution approaches for routing problems with profits: exact approaches, (meta)heuristics, matheuristics, etc

Topics covered include (but are not limited to):

  • (Team) Orienteering Problem
  • (Team) Orienteering Problem with Time Windows
  • Time Dependent (Team) Orienteering Problem
  • (Team) Arc Orienteering Problem
  • (Team) Orienteering Arc Routing Problem
  • Other Variants of the Orienteering Problem
  • Traveling Salesperson Problem with profits
  • Profitable Tour Problem
  • Prize-collecting Traveling Salesperson Problem
  • Vehicle Routing Problem with profits
  • Arc Routing Problem with profits


Dr. Aldy Gunawan, Singapore Management University, Singapore

Dr. Pieter Vansteenwegen, Singapore Management University, Singapore


Delegates are encouraged to submit their full papers/abstract to the special sessions. Please submit your electronically article in PDF format before the submission deadline.

Submit Now: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iciea2025
Please select the special session 3 when making submission.

Note: if there are any questions, please send mail to iciea_conf@163.com.