SPECIAL SESSION 1: Sustainability Assessment

Industrial and Systems Engineering discipline becomes more and more interdisciplinary and the environmental, economic and social impacts of industrial activities are of great interest by policy makers over the last decade. The main goal of this special issue is to present the most recent sustainability assessment models and tools for understanding the social, economic and environmental sustainability of industrial production and service operations from a systems perspective. In this session, sustainability assessment models, software, decision making models and their applications in sustainable industrial and service systems will be discussed.

Topics covered include (but are not limited to):

  • Sustainable Industrial Systems and Metrics
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Transportation
  • Sustainability Assessment Methods
  • Decision Analytics for Sustainable Systems and Operations


Dr. Murat Kucukvar, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Qatar University, Qatar

Biodata: Murat Kucukvar is an Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. He serves as a faculty member in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Qatar University. He is a former Chairman and Assistant Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Istanbul Sehir University, Turkey. He held the positions of Industrial and Systems Engineering Graduate Program Coordinator, Member of the Board of Directors in the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences, International Programs & Erasmus Coordinator, and Member of the Quality Management Commission. He is also a founder and co-director of the Sustainable Systems & Solutions Lab (S3-Lab) at Istanbul Sehir University. He is currently an advisor to the Turkish Water Institute and a member of Turkish National Delegation in the Coordination Program for Euphrates-Tigris (CPET) task force for the socioeconomic and energy systems analysis. He also co-authored over 100 publications (journals + international conferences). He has also been actively involved in several research projects together with key American, European and Turkish universities and research centers such as University of Manchester (UK), Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives (WSSI) at Arizona State University, University of Central Florida, University of California San Diego, Florida Solar Energy Center,聽 Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center and Turkish Water Institute.


Delegates are encouraged to submit their full papers/abstract to the special sessions. Please submit your electronically article in PDF format before the submission deadline.

Submit Now: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iciea2025
Please select the special session 1 when making submission.

Note: if there are any questions, please send mail to iciea_conf@163.com.