Prof. Marcos Alonso
University of Oviedo
TOPIC: The Role of Power Electronics
in Lighting Applications
Abstract: Currently, power electronics is a mature
technology that allows for the effective use of the electric
energy in all kinds of applications. Power electronics makes it
possible to efficiently transfer electric power from an input
source to a load both with different characteristics of
amplitude and frequency. In the lighting world power electronics
have served since the very first electric lamp was developed at
the end of the 19th century. At the beginning, power electronics
allowed us to efficiently adjust the incandescent lamp power to
provide the required lighting level for each task. Later, power
electronics techniques were used to efficiently supply discharge
lamps, such as fluorescent and high intensity discharge lamps.
More recently, power electronics converters are being used to
drive LED lamps, allowing for a great variety of
functionalities, from dimming to color adjustment and even
transmission of data through the emitted light. In this keynote
we will make a review of the power electronics applications in
lighting during the last century and of the new trends that are
expected in this field.
Bio: Dr.José Marcos Alonso (Fellow, IEEE) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees (hons.) in electrical engineering from the University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain, in 1990 and 1994, respectively.,Since 2007, he has been a Full Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Oviedo. He has coauthored more than 450 journal and conference publications, including more than 120 publications in highly referenced journals, three books, and two book chapters. He holds eight national and international patents. His research interests include lighting applications, dc–dc converters, power factor correction, resonant inverters, wireless power transfer, and single-phase power electronics in general.,Dr. Alonso was the recipient of 11 IEEE awards. He is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. He was the Chair of the IEEE IAS Industrial Lighting and Displays Committee.(Based on document published on 21 July 2022).
Huang-Jen Chiu
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
High Power Density and High Frequency Converter Design
Abstract: Owing to the
energy shortage and the rising awareness of environment
protection, not only makes people pay attention to energy saving
issue, but jointly affect the development trend of power
electronic industries. According to the roadmap of power
electronics industries, it includes improving energy conversion
efficiency, decreasing components and increasing power density.
The talk particularly focuses on high power density AC-DC/
DC-DC/ DC-AC conversion techniques for information technology,
electric vehicles, and renewable energy applications.
Bio: Dr.Huang-Jen Chiu has been with the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, where he is a Distinguished Professor, Dean of Research and Development (R&D), now. He served as the Dean of Industry-academia Collaboration (IAC) during 2018-2020 and the Director of Center for Power Electronic Technologies during 2014-2021. His research interests include high efficiency/ high power density bidirectional DC/DC converters, PFC topologies, PV inverters, and DSP control in renewable energy applications. His work brought him several distinctive awards including the Young Researcher Award in 2004 from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, the Y. Z. Hsu Scientific Paper Award in 2010, the Outstanding Teaching Award in 2009 and 2017, the Outstanding Industry-academia Collaboration Award in 2018 and 2021, Google Little Box Academic Awards and the 2018 IEEE Empower a Billion Lives (EBL) Pacific Asia Regional Award. His student teams won the grand prize of the IEEE International Future Energy Challenge (IFEC) in 2013 and 2015, respectively. Dr. Chiu is an IEEE senior member and serves as an Associate Editor (AE) of the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. He was also and an AE of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II: Express Letters (TCAS-II) during 2016-2019, a Guest Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics in 2011 and 2012. Dr. Chiu is actively working in IEEE Taipei Section. He organized several meetings to promote the local activity of IEEE member in Taipei Section and to increase the number of IEEE membership in Taiwan. He served as the Chair of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Taipei Chapter (2015-2016), the General Co-chair of 2017 IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC 2017-ECCE Asia), the Program Chair of 2015 IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IEEE IFEEC 2015), the General Co-chair of IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia (WiPDA-Asia 2019), the Technical Program Chair of 2019 IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC 2019) in Singapore, the Topic Co-Chair of 2016 International Future Energy Challenge (IFEC 2016) and the Secretary of IEEE PELS/ IES Taipei Joint Chapter during 2010-2014. Dr. Chiu was the organizer of 2014 Symposium on Semiconductor Power Conversion (S2PC 2014) co-sponsored by IEEE PELS/ IES Taipei, KIPE in Korea and IEEJ-IAS in Japan and the organizer of Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Power Conversion (TJSPC 2012) co-sponsored by IEEE PELS/ IES Taipei and IEEJ-IAS in Japan. He also organized the 2015 Cross-Strait Green Energy Forum co-sponsored by the TaiPEA and CES in China. Dr. Chiu is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), a Fellow of Taiwan Power Electronics Association (TaiPEA) and selected as the Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Power Electronics Society (2017-2018, 2019-2020). He has published more than 300 academic publications in leading international conferences and SCI journals. Dr. Chiu has delivered courses and lectures to major information technology product and switching power supply manufacturers, including FOXCONN, PHILIPS, FAIRCHILD, L&K PRECISION, UMAX, LITE-ON, ACBEL, POWERCON, RICHTEK, etc. He has offered seminars in many universities and research institutes in Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, India, Vietnam and USA.
Laurent Canale
University of Toulouse III, France
TOPIC: The Amazing History of LED Lighting
Abstract: Humanity became
emancipated the day it became independent of sunlight. We were
thus able to have time to develop writing, art, science and
technology, to improve our comfort and our life expectancy. The
invention of artificial lighting is a pillar of humanity
After fire, oil lamps, gas lamp, discharge and incandescent
lamps... the arrival of LED lighting is the last revolution on a
global scale. But what do you know about LEDs? What is its
impact on the world? When was it discovered? By who? This short
presentation will enlighten you on an object that has become
familiar and common in just a few years.
Bio: Dr. Laurent Canale PhD, (MIEEE’12, SMIEEE’19), CNRS Research Engineer in LAPLACE Laboratory in Toulouse (France). Born in Saint-Martin d'Hères (France) in 1972, and holds a Master and PhD focusing on High Frequencies Electronics and Optoelectronics from Limoges University, France, respectively in 1998 and 2002. He published about magnetic thin films but his main PhD work was in pulsed laser deposition of lithium niobate thin films for optical telecommunications. From 2004 to 2010 he worked as Research Engineer for the National Research Institute of Agronomy in Bioemco Lab. (Paris, France). In 2010, he joined the National Center for Scientific Research and work in LAPLACE Lab., "Light & Matter" Team where his research focused on efficient light sources as LED and OLED with special interest in physics and aging mechanisms. Since 2014, he is the Regional President of the French Illuminating Engineering Society (AFE). He published over 160 papers, communications and book chapters. Since 2020, he leads two different research programs with Maghreb countries and Indonesia and also head of mission on Environmental Management and Energy Transition for Toulouse University. Since 2023, he is the Chair of the Industrial Light and Display Committee of the Industrial Application Society of IEEE (ILDC).
Speakers in 2024 to be announced soon......